
Everything You Need To Know About Typhoid Fever

If you are suffering from  typhoid fever , you are attacked by Salmonella typhi bacteria. This kind of fever is rare in developed countries but can be a severe threat in the developing world like India, mainly among children. Eating contaminated water and food or even getting close contact with an infected person are some reasons behind typhoid fever.  The next time you try to get examined for typhoid fever, Remedies Labs will offer you accurate results for that all the time. Get an instant report to start treatment immediately. To know more about the significant tests involved, visit  our website  now. Call us at +91-7799 721 212 or send your queries to .

Malaria Fever – A Detailed Guide on Types, Symptoms and Many More

Malaria   is caused by a parasite and it spreads to humans through mosquito bites. Learning about  malaria   preventive measures  is important if you don’t want to fall seriously ill. People, who are suffering from malaria, mostly feel sick with shaking chills, and high fever. While this disease is pretty uncommon in temperate climates, malaria is pretty common in tropical and even in some subtropical countries like India. Around 290 people get infected with this disease and over 400,000 people die on a global count.  Remedies Labs is your perfect clinical   diagnostic centre , where you can get accurate reports on malaria fever. If you ever face any of the symptoms leading to this kind of disease, book an appointment right away! Call us at +91-7799 721 212 or email us at  for details on the tests. Read more

Dengue Fever Symptoms, Causes, Preventions and Treatment

It is true that   dengue fever   is pretty painful. It is a debilitating mosquito-borne disease, which is caused by any one of the four dengue viruses. These viruses are mostly related to the ones, which cause   yellow fever and West Nile Infection .  It has been estimated that over 400 million dengue infections take place worldwide on a yearly basis, with around 96 million resulting in illnesses. After you have the   dengue fever symptoms   by your side, it is time to consult the doctor. Most of the cases primarily take place in tropical areas like The Indian subcontinent, Southern China, Southeast Asia and more. Read more

10 Common Monsoon Diseases and Various Ways to Prevent Them

After the hardcore summer months, monsoon comes as a relief. However, with rain comes unwanted  monsoon disease , which will make your life a living hell. Right from malaria to cholera, dengue to even chikungunya, there are loads of diseases, and some even prove to be fatal to some extent. Each year, there are different mosquito types, which are born and designed to cause an outbreak of disease. In order to prevent  diseases during rainy season  from taking place, there are some home remedies available to keep the surroundings free from mosquitoes. Read more 

5 Important Facts about My Genetic Test

A lot has changed in the last couple of years when it comes to DNA testing. Some of you might not even know  what is genetic test . Well, it is one way to now test for over 100 diseases before pregnancy or you get to predict cancer before even it starts to develop in your body.  Right now, researchers are using the power of DNA testing to target medication responses better for various conditions. With so many  types of genetic testing  available, you might sometime wonder if going for this test is suitable for you or not. There are some important facts for you to consider as you start navigating through the world of genetic or DNA testing. 1. Get to learn more about your family history A thorough grasp of the family history will always offer you some clues regarding the kind of testing that can benefit you the most. The proper  genetic analysis test  helps in encouraging the family health history among men and women. It helps to determine if the health issu...

The Top 10 Foods to Eat to Avoid Diabetes

If you are the unfortunate victim of diabetes, then you have to be very careful with the diet plan to follow, just to  avoid diabetes . You always need to take control of your blood sugar levels. There are certain chosen foods that will cause the blood sugar level to jump high, and then you have other food items added to the  diet to prevent diabetes .  However, most people have to go through a series of trials and errors before they can even find which one seems to work best for them. Thanks to some scientific findings, you get to determine the right  foods to eat to avoid diabetes . Well, listed below, are 10 such food items that you must add to your diet plan to keep diabetes at bay. Here is a List of Healthy Foods to Eat to Prevent Diabetes 1. Strawberries Sometimes, you might crave something that is sweet to your taste buds. Well, instead of going for candies, you can try out some tasty strawberries. Thanks to the antioxidant feature, this fruit will not just re...

8 Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Also known as underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism is a major condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough crucial hormones. There are different  signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism  to notify, in order to get a quality medical response faster. Hypothyroidism might not always offer noticeable symptoms at the early stages, but with time, untreated hypothyroidism will cause serious health issues like infertility, joint pain, obesity, and heart issues. So, proper thyroid tests are essential to perform once you have covered the basic  signs of hypothyroidism . It helps in diagnosing the issue and getting quality results accordingly. Treatment with synthetic thyroid hormone is a pretty simple, effective, and safe one, once you have covered  thyroid infection symptoms  quickly and your doctor came across the right dose to use. 8 surprising symptoms of hypothyroidism: Searching the vast world of the internet will not just let you learn about the  hypo...